BlueCielo Kronodoc 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About comment circulations > Delegating your response to comment circulations

Delegating your response to comment circulations

By delegating your response, you assign an alternate user to comment on a circulation. You may delegate your response to individual documents or to an entire circulation. To delegate your response, you must belong to a role that has the Delegate option enabled.

To delegate your response to all documents in a comment circulation:

  1. If you received a reminder email message, click the here hyperlink. The Document circulations view is opened in your web browser with the circulations that require your response listed.


  1. Open the Document circulations view as described in Understanding the Document circulations view.
  1. Click the Inbox tab and click Circulations that require my actions. The circulations that require your response are listed.
  1. Click Delegate in the row for the circulation that you want to delegate. A page showing the delgation options appears.
  2. Select or enter options using the descriptions in the following table.
Comment delegation options
Option Description

Delegate to

To select individual users:

  1. Click Add users. A new window containing user search options opens.
  2. Type a known name in the corresponding text box and press Enter or click Find users. If a matching user is found, their information appears above the text boxes and they are added to the Recipients list automatically. If not, modify your search text and try again.
  3. Repeat step 2 until all recipients have been added to the Recipients list.
  4. Click Close.

To remove a user:

  1. Select the user name and click Remove users.


Select Send email message to send a delegation message to the users listed in Delegate to.


The subject of the delegation message.


The body of the delegation message.

  1. Click Delegate circulation. The Document circulations view reappears. The circulation no longer appears when the Circulations that require my actions filter is active but still appears when the Open circulations filter is active. For each document in the circulation, the text Deleg. is added as your comment.

To delegate your response to an individual document in a comment circulation:

  1. If you received a reminder email message, click the here hyperlink. The Document circulations view is opened in your web browser with the circulations that require your response listed.


  1. Open the Document circulations view as described in Understanding the Document circulations view.
  1. Click the Inbox tab and click Circulations that require my actions. The circulations that require your response are listed.
  1. Expand the circulation to which you want to respond. The documents within the circulation appear. Documents that require your comment include a Comment hyperlink in the Actions column. Documents that you may delegate include a Delegate hyperlink in the Actions column.
  2. Click Delegate for the document that you want to delegate. A page showing the delegation options appears.
  3. Select or enter options using the descriptions in the preceding table.
  1. Click Delegate circulation. The Document circulations view reappears. For the document that you delegated, the text Deleg. is added as your comment.

Related concepts

About comment circulations

Understanding the Document circulations view

Related tasks

Searching for comment circulations

Circulating documents for comment

Modifying comment circulations

Viewing responses to a comment circulation

Responding to comment circulations

Closing comment circulations

Interrupting comment circulations

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